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Astronomy - Conjecture on a mysterious entity called Dark Matter/Dark Energy

It is my conjecture that dark matter/dark energy is just simple proton and/or neutron without the electron. Physical matter/physical energy, as we know, has electron along side with proton and/or neutron.

Without electron, there is no time-dimension present, which makes it dark matter/dark energy exist in the past, present and the future at the same time. Hence, it is not possible or is not yet feasible for us to detect the presence of dark matter/energy.

Electron is the only element which generates the time-dimension. Thus, electron has the power to either create or destroy anything like Lord Shiva has, in the sense that physical matter/energy gets destroyed in the timeline but, in actual, it still doesn't get destroyed as it becomes the dark matter/dark energy.
(Here, the term, "destroy" has not been used to indicate physical mass conversion into physical energy but, it indicates the complete annihilation of physical mass/physical energy into dark matter/dark energy.)

My other conjecture is that every living beings' soul is made of dark matter/dark energy which attaches to the body and thus, living beings are the mixture of physical body/physical energy and dark matter/dark energy. The body, made up of physical matter/physical energy, supports us to stay in the timeline.

As per scientists, the Universe constitutes: 
Dark matter/dark energy - 95%
Physical matter/physical energy - 5%

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