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Showing posts from June, 2020

Quote that should not be followed.

Ratan Tata's quote: " If you think your teacher is strict, scary, hard, and dangerous, wait until you meet your boss. Your old teachers will pale in comparison. " This quote, as per my point of view, is arousing negative effects on the students, and on the person, who is about to start or is pursuing his/her job. The sense of negative effect aroused in the quote-reader is formed of the suspected behaviour of the boss or the teacher to be arrogant, humiliating, and disrespectful. It should be completely discarded as a quote to take into consideration in our lives, as these negative aspects, such as fear and danger are enemy of everything we stand for. This quote, therefore, should be completely discarded from our minds. While we have been given an opportunity of having lives, we should use it to make this world a beautiful place, and we should be cheerful for what we have achieved or accomplished with taking care of everything and everyone around us. Thus, the abov